Chiropractic for Scoliosis

Road to Recovery Through Chiropractic Care

The team at Complete Chiropractic have a great reputation for improving upright posture with utilisation of the Advanced Biostructural Correction method and as well,  many of our clients also see reductions of sideways curvature in the spine.

It is natural to be concerned when we hear the word “Scoliosis”, but with conservative management, many people continue to lead normal lives. Scoliosis is a condition of the spine with a sideways curve, sometimes as a “C”-shape or an “S” shaped spine. Many people have some subtle degree of a sideways curve, but earn the diagnosis of scoliosis when their cobb’s angle on x-ray measures more than 10 degrees. While Chiropractic cannot “cure” scoliosis, it can assist with preventing the condition from worsening and offer an effective pain management option. Other conservative management options for scoliosis include: physiotherapy, Schroth method, yoga, and even pilates. In extreme cases, Bracing can also be used. Conservative care for scoliosis can begin at any age, ideally before adolescent growth spurts, as it can rapidly develop and present without pain or symptoms .

Many people look for a conservative and natural approach to manage their pain and symptoms associated with scoliosis. What makes chiropractic unique as a management plan for scoliosis, is its effect on the neurology. While scoliosis is traditionally considered a musculoskeletal condition, latest research suggests an underlying neurological component. This makes sense considering it is the brain and the nerves that control and organise muscle function.

Proposed etiologies for scoliosis include: brain asymmetry, neural axis deformities, and abnormal sensorimotor integration (how well your brain and body talk to each other.).1,2,3 This miscommunication between brain and body can be attributed to include abnormal postural tone, which can lead to spinal deformities; including scoliosis. 

Our scoliosis treatment is not about hitting the right spots to correct the alignment, but about influencing the brain-body connection through specific vertebral adjustments. Research shows that when we adjust the spine,brain activity increases in the sensorimotor cortex ‘compared to pre-adjustment and compared to the sham group’.5,6 In addition to improving neural function, we work to address muscle function and improve flexibility to alleviate pain and symptoms.

At Complete Chiropractic, our Initial Consultation begins with a physical and neurological assessment to determine which form of care is best suited for each person. X-rays can be a useful tool to measure severity of the curvature and to track progress. To find out more, call our clinic to see if we can help with your case.

  • Dr Christine Martin,

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