Vertigo can affect many people for a variety of different reasons. Whether the condition is chronic or stems from the onset of migraine headaches, vertigo is an unpleasant sensation that makes the most basic of daily tasks difficult to bear which is why many people seek out vertigo treatment.

There are many causes for vertigo however, some cases may be assisted with out the use of drugs and surgery and in fact Chiropractic care in some cases has been shown to be quite effective when it comes to dealing with certain types of Vertigo.¹

In many cases vertigo can be caused by an issue with the inner ear. If the function in this area is not working as the body expects it can lead to imbalance that may inhibit standing, sitting or functioning comfortably in an upright motion. Some of the most common causes of vertigo are:

Unfortunately, the causes of vertigo are many, which makes vertigo treatment all that much trickier. Trained Chiropractors who treat vertigo, can be found in our Sydney CBD clinic. A consultation with our team is recommended for this disorder so that we may understand the cause and if it suits the criteria for Chiropractic intervention, it may be treated by our team of Chiropractors in Sydney ².

Symptoms and Vertigo Treatment

Vertigo can be an uncomfortable feeling that gives off the sensation of a lack of balance. As such,
many sufferers will have a difficult time sitting or standing upright. The most common symptoms are:



Lack of balance


Headaches or migraines


Lack of balance

To best target the symptoms and the vertigo itself, rehabilition is a necessary vertigo treatment.

As such, our chiropractors at Clinic 27 may have the vertigo solution for you. We can assess your condition and target the pressure points that are causing your vertigo. Regular therapy will ensure relief and long-term recovery from the condition. Give the team a call at Tel: (02) 8059 7743 or fill out our online contact form today to find out if Chiropractic care may be the solution for you.

  1. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Feb 2013; Chiropractic Management of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Using the Epley Maneuver: A Case Series.  Sandy S. Sajko,Kent Stuber,Tim N. Welsh

  2. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Feb 2000; A combined approach for the treatment of cervical vertigo.  Eduardo S.B.Bracher DC, MD Clemente I.R.Almeida MD Roberta R.Almeida MD André C.Duprat MD Cheri B.B.Bracher DC